So, if you've come to this website, you're either possessed with an incurable obsession with details about my album, in which case you really should up your dose of meds, or you're looking for dirt with which to impugn me as an icon in community. In the latter case, there's plenty of tawdry details in the lyrics and info below to ensure I'm never allowed to mingle with polite society. Above all others, I'd like to thank Bridget for her spousal indulgence of my perculiar avocation pursuit. From green lighting the stand-alone recording studio / man cave construction and outfitting, to enduring iteration upon iteration of tedious song mix analysis (poor thing!), girlfriend has had my back every step of the way (although in fairness, late nights with me working in the studio while she had a spa night watching "The Good Wife" without obnoxious commentary from your truly has its own delicious rewards). While it may not sound like it, this project took many hundreds (approaching a thousand, easy) of hours in songwriting, arranging, practicing, recording, re-recording, re-re-re-re-re-recording, mixing, etc... until the salicious brew of ear pollutants collectively known as the "Mister Sensitive" project was thrust from its digital womb into a world of petty grudges. Unlike my band-based recording projects of the 1980s (X-teens and 4 Who Dared), I strove for a decidedly raw sound on this endeavor, a goal much advanced by my less-than precise guitar playing. And of course, in wondrous counterbalance to my feeling-over-precision approach to music, the stellar contributions from North Carolina's finest musicians propelled this far beyond my meager skill set. Anyway, for the incurably curious, click the links to the left to find lyrix and stifling trivia about the tunes, as I prepare for a sequel release (Bootie Machine? The Unrelenting Torment of Existence? The Happy Song? Mister Sensitive (the song?))..
All Those Who Made this Possible and Thereby Share Culpability