Gossamer Heart

Ah, the standard second-track-on-the-album-mid-tempo pop song! This tune, arguably the most shamelessly commercial in its glossy production, came to me while taking a shower. It's a chronicle of two lovers slowly drifting apart and the fruitless efforts to hold on. The New Favorites (John, Scott, Rob) lay down the groove, while tolerating my squishy synth solo and 80s keyboard sounds.

Sitting by the window in a wooden chair
It's almost like she's halfway there
the rest of her is soaring
Chewing on the fingernails of his idle hand
He wants so hard to understand
if he's becoming boring

A dozen roses buys him maybe a day or two
and then he's contemplating jumping the shark
It's little wonder why they call her...

Gossamer Heart
whichever way the wind blows
Follow her muse
or whatever she'll choose to call it

Running to her bedroom for the second time
since morning light began to shine
through clouds of gentle raining

Thinking over options from a meager lot
He's ruled out all the things he's not
but only masquerading

A night of passion buys him maybe an hour or two
and then he's contemplating jumping the shark
It's little wonder why they call her...